Sunday Cornhole Tournaments at NautiFish Rum Bar
NautiFish Rum Bar 1022 Nautica Rd, Camdenton, MO, United StatesSunday Cornhole Tournaments at NautiFish Starting Sunday, April 10, at 3:00pm and repeating every Sunday for 10 weeks (ending on June 5), join us for a blind draw cornhole tournament! Entry is $10 each week. Half of the proceeds go directly to Miracle Travel Works, and the other half to prizes! This will include prizes […]
Twelfth Annual Chip it for Charity Golf Tournament
Tournament Club of Iowa in Polk City, IA 1000 Tradition Drive, Polk City, IA, United StatesTwelfth Annual Chip it for Charity Golf Tournament Monday, June 6, 2022 Tournament Club of Iowa in Polk City, IA Join us for a four-person scramble golf tournament benefiting Miracle Travel Works on Monday, June 6th, 2022. Choose from an 18-hole round with check-in beginning at 7:30 am with a 9:00 am shotgun start or […]
Fifth Annual Miracle Travel Works Poker Ride
Join us on Saturday, October 15, 2022 for the 5th Annual Miracle Travel Works Poker Ride! This is a fundraising event that is fun for anyone (adults and children are welcome!) who likes to bike on the beautiful bike trails in Fayetteville, AR, and even more fun for those who also like the excellent craft […]
Donna Donovan Memorial
Memorial to Donna Jean Donovan Donna was an amazing mother, friend, and overall human. We all lost a very incredible person when she passed, but her memory will always be carried by all of us she touched with her love. She was one of the very first supporters of Miracle Travel Works, and in her memory […]
Thirteenth Annual Chip It For Charity Golf Tournament
Jester Park Golf Course 11949 NW 118th Ave, Granger, IA, United StatesJester Park Golf Course Friday, August 25, 2023 Join us for a four-person scramble golf tournament benefiting Miracle Travel Works on Friday, August 25th, at Jester Park Golf Course. 18-holes with a 9:00 AM shotgun start. Registration opens at 8:00 AM . Go HERE or text MTWGOLF23 to 41444 to reserve your spot or the entire foursome! […]
Sixth Annual Miracle Travel Works Poker Ride
When and Where? Join us on Saturday, October 14, 2023 for the 6th Annual Miracle Travel Works Poker Ride! This is a fundraising event that is fun for anyone (adults and children are welcome!) who likes to bike on the beautiful bike trails in Fayetteville, AR, and even more fun for those who also like […]
MTW 2023 End of Year Giving Campaign
Help MTW close out a fantastic year of helping 200 families by raising enough funds to help even more in the new year! Donate! Or text 'mtw2023end'to 41444 During MTW's end-of-the-year campaign, help us spread the word to reach more friends who want to help us to help families get their children to the medical […]
Dr. Donald Hanlon Memorial
Memorial to Donald Hanlon Miracle Travel Works, Inc. is very dear to Dr. Hanlon's family. MTW reimburses families for travel expenses incurred while seeking urgent medical care for their sick or injured children. Covering the Midwest, MTW was founded by three ADM graduates. Please use the following link to contribute, thank you for your donation! […]
Fourteenth Annual Chip It Fore Charity Golf Tournament
Otter Creek Golf Course, Ankeny, IA 4100 NE Otter Creek Drive, Ankeny, IA, United StatesOtter Creek Golf Course Friday, September 13, 2024 Join us for a four-person scramble golf tournament benefiting Miracle Travel Works on Friday, September 13rd, at Otter Creek Golf Course in Ankeny. 18-holes with a 9:00 AM shotgun start. Check-in/Driving Range starts at 7:30 AM. Go HERE or text MTWGOLF24 to 41444 to reserve your spot […]
Seventh Annual Miracle Travel Works Poker Ride
Join us on Saturday, October 12, 2024 for the 7th Annual Miracle Travel Works Poker Ride! This is a fundraising event that is fun for anyone (adults and children are welcome!) who likes to bike on the beautiful bike trails in Fayetteville, AR, and even more fun for those who also like the excellent craft […]