Gabryel A.

Miracle Travel Works has been a tremendous help to our family. My husband and I are both college students in the medical field; I’m in nursing and my husband pre-med. Kids weren’t in our plan until later down the line but I found out I was pregnant in October and everything was great until February when we were told that something was wrong with our baby. We went through a lot of testing and found out our baby has a chromosome abnormality unlike any others ever being reported. We had appointments with a specialist in Des Moines every other week but shortly after the diagnosis was made I was airlifted to Des Moines in pre term labor only at 28 weeks and 2 days. The doctors were able to keep me on hospitalized bed rest and hold off birth for 20 days so our son, Gabryel, was born premature at 31 weeks gestation.

Gabryel was in the Des Moines Mercy NICU for 83 days (making our total stay in Des Moines about 103 days) with many different struggles and complications. While Gabryel was in the NICU we made many trips back and forth from Fort Dodge for work and to finish out school and were also in Des Moines at the hospital with Gabryel for different daily things and procedures. We had to spend so much money that we had saved up to raise Gabryel and to finish schooling, to pay for travel expenses and food. Miracle Travel Works was so easy to work with and has reimbursed us for a lot of our expenses. We will be forever grateful for what MTW has done for our family; they have allowed us a future. Thank you!


Posted on

August 12, 2017