Destiny H.

Destiny H. is 6 years old and lives in Jefferson, Iowa. She was diagnosed with epilepsy and chiari malformation. Chiari malformations are structural defects in the cerebellum that control balance. Normally the cerebellum and parts of the brain stem sit in an indented...

Dean G.

Dean JUST TURNED ONE and we want to thank you for helping us make all these long trips back and forth to L. Rock Children’s Hospital. We know there will be many more. They are discussing sending us to either Ohio or another state to see a specialist. They say Dean’s...

Allison F.

Allison is home and doing great! Here’s a special message from her family: Wanted to say thank you for all the prayers and support!! We have been home for a week now and are so happy to be home!!! We did find out Allie has a tethered spinal cord so will be going back...

Aven B.

Aven Ace B. was born at the University of Iowa Childrens Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa on October 22nd, 2015. His mother Krista, father Allan, sisters Kassie, Ashton, and brother Axel. lived at home 115 miles away in Ankeny, Iowa. Krista and I have a hotel room that we...

Will B.

We are so appreciative of what Miracle Travel Works does for kids with medical issues. We live in Seattle, WA. Our son has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He was diagnosed at age 3 years. The local neurologist ordered the wrong tests which caused us not to get a...